Costs of Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease Will Double by 2040
Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News | Gina Shaw Rising rates of alcohol-associated liver disease will lead to major increases in costs to the healthcare system and society over

Excited about new diet drug? This procedure seems better choice.
The Harvard Gazette | Alvin Powell, Staff Writer Study finds minimally invasive treatment more cost-effective over time, brings greater weight loss Interest in the latest

Congress can eradicate hepatitis C and reduce the deficit at the same time
STAT – By Neeraj Sood and Jagpreet Chhatwal Congress faces a historic opportunity to stamp out a disease that kills thousands of Americans each year and save billions

As Mass. sets a new record for opioid overdose deaths, Chhatwal shared his insights with WBUR.
WBUR Martha Bebinger Massachusetts sets a new record for opioid overdose deaths in 2022. Jagpreet Chhatwal, Director of MGH Institute of Technology Assessment, talked with

Deaths from alcohol-related liver disease soared during COVID
The Harvard Gazette – by MGH Communications. American Indian and Alaska Native populations particularly affected, finds study. During the pandemic, deaths from alcohol-associated liver disease for
The Harvard Gazette: Study holds warning on pandemic drinking
Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital scientist led a study (published in Hepatology) that estimated that a one-year increase in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic will result in
Computerized Map Predicts Next COVID-19 Outbreak
Predicting whether an outbreak is likely to happen is now possible with the COVID-19 Outbreak Detection Tool, a map that shows the coming hotspots for
One in 50 Americans Has COVID in Some Areas —Before New Variants Have Taken Hold
Newsweek asked experts in infectious disease, epidemiology and modeling whether the U.S. is or would soon be at the point where one in 50 people was
Colleges need to look beyond stopping parties to safely reopen in spring 2021
Jagpreet Chhatwal, Trisha Dwivedi, and Benjamin Linas wrote first opinion article in STAT. Below are excerpts from this piece. As colleges and universities reopened in the fall of 2020, many
Mass. General Hospital Builds COVID-19 Simulator To Help Predict Impact of Policy Decisions
Gov. Charlie Baker says this week he will begin discussing when non-essential businesses may begin reopening across the state. In his press conference on Saturday, Baker said
New England Coronavirus Deaths Would Spike If Restrictions Were Lifted, Simulator Shows
NBC Boston discussed the findings of COVID-19 Simulator with Jagpreet Chhatwal. New England would see a spike in deaths from the novel coronavirus if social distancing measures
US News: Opioid death toll could top 700,000 over a decade
TACKLING PRESCRIPTION drug abuse will hardly make a dent in America’s ongoing opioid crisis in the coming years, a new study suggests. “People who start using prescription opioids,
Los Angeles Times: Even in best-case scenario, opioid overdose deaths will keep rising until 2022
A new projection of opioid overdose death rates suggests that even if there is steady progress in reducing prescription narcotic abuse across the country, the number of
Hep C Calculator launched at the World Hepatitis Summit in São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Chhatwal officially launched the Hep C Calculator — interactive online tool for global cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C treatment — at the World Hepatitis Summit in São Paulo. Read more
Los Angeles Times: How the anal cancer epidemic in gay and bisexual HIV-positive men can be prevented
Our modeling study published in Cancer journal showed how the anal cancer epidemic in gay and bisexual HIV-positive men can be prevented using HPV vaccination. Below are
STAT: Generic hepatitis C meds really are very cost effective, study says
For the past three years, various governments and patient advocacy groups have clamored for lower-cost hepatitis C medicines, given the high cure rate for these
Economic Times: How beneficial are generic hepatitis C drugs available in India?
New York: Use of the generic versions of directly-acting antiviral (DAA) drugs that are available in India to treat hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can increase lifespan while reducing
Boston’s NPR: WBUR Interview on Rising Cost of Cancer Treatment
Dr. Jagpreet Chhatwal, at Massachusetts General Hospital, calculates that the new, more effective therapy will cause the overall cost of treating patients with that leukemia to
Boston’s NPR Interview: As Cancer Drugs’ Prices Skyrocket, Experts Worry About Burden On Patients, Health Systems
WBUR examined fast-moving changes in cancer research and treatment in a series we’re calling, “This Moment In Cancer.” Leaders in cancer research say the field
NPR Marketplace Interview: Cutting prison hepatitis C rates: costly, but worth it?
Dr. Jagpreet Chhatwal, assistant professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School, has studied the economics of treating hepatitis C in prisons and said that while
STAT: Prisons can lock up savings by treating inmates with hepatitis C
The high cost of hepatitis C drugs may be straining budgets nationwide, but the country can save money if prison inmates are screened and treated
NPR Interview: Treating Prisoners With Hepatitis C May Be Worth The HeftyPrice
Interview with NPR for the study published in Annals of Internal Medicine on screening and treatment of hepatitis C virus in United States prisons [link].
VIDEO: U.S. hepatitis C treatment capacity falls short of need
Interview at the 2015 AASLD Liver Meeting regarding a study on the changing burden of hepatitis C in the United States. Interview link
Forbes Interview: Critical Reports Mount On Hepatitis C Pill Costs
Interview with Forbes on the cost-effectiveness and budget-impact of new hepatitis C treatments that was published in Annals of Internal Medicine.
Wall Street Journal Interview: Hepatitis C Drugs are Cost Effective, but Affordability is Another Matter
An interview with the Wall Street Journal on research on the cost-effectiveness and budget-impact of hepatitis C treatment with new antiviral therapies. The study was published in Annals
Interview with CBS News: Hepatitis C could be a rare disease in 20 years
CBS News coverage on research showing hepatitis C can become a rare disease in the United States by 2036.